Product's/CD's 01792 290458
Sound Odyssey Cosmic Alignment
Echoes of Sacred Sound Chambers of Peace
This sound recording was inspired and composed on the day of spring equinox and coinciding Lunar Eclipse of 2015. Where cosmic solar and lunar energies converged in unison.
The sound recording was recorded at and within the theatre of Craig Y Nos Castle Upper Swansea Valley nestling in the valley of the Sleeping Giant.
The Peace Mantra Odyssey
A musical journey through the spheres of Light Sound & Silence for Inner Peace
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Now available for the first time an inspirational recording called Healing Ambient Chants & Sounds for Inner Peace
Faith’s 1st Chant CD including Essence of chants from the heart, begins with the introduction of the spoken words of a Peace Mantra, followed by a continuous recording of six inspirational chants that are vocal expressions of the Mantra, continuing with a sound immersion of various tone instruments of healing including, sounding bowls, singing bowls, crystal bowls leading into a full body tone with gongs.