Sound Healing Therapies

Sound Healing

Welcome to the website of Faith Challinor-Wheatley, established Sound Healer and Therapist. Within these pages you will find information on a variety of sound healing therapies and techniques, as well as on Faith’s own work, which incorporates the use of a number of sound instruments, and her voice in diverse forms, as a healing tool.

Some techniques have been practised for thousands of years and handed down by medicine people of many cultures across the globe. Other therapies as with The College of Sound Healing have been developed in more recent years through rigorous research and evaluations, have been proven and are practised, and are now acknowledge and accredited by colleges and associations  and recognised in the UK and worldwide. With my own developed therapeutic sound healing technique being registered in 2005  a blending of the ancient with the new, embracing 21st. century technology and rekindling established techniques. These are being recognised as the therapies of the future and as a new frontier of sound healing and cutting edge therapies.

Please explore and enjoy this website. If you have any questions, please contact Faith.

2024 EVENTS CALENDAR            

News in 2024

 This year gives me the opportunity to happily ANNOUNCE that my Sounding Bowls Stress-Release Technique was successful in being registered with the Intellectual Property Office and given Trade Mark recognition as a therapeutic Therapy in its own right. 


                           Harmonizing the Heart of Matter

                                                            Vibration Medicine

A therapy for connecting you to your inner wisdom for well being

Vibrational Sound Resonance

This therapy incorporates the use of both Sounding Bowl and voice soundwork.

Sounding bowls are unique in the history of world instruments, partly because their strings run within the resonant space, whereas other instruments have them running above it . A number of types of sounding bowls are in use in therapeutic settings, and used by health professionals and music therapists. The aesthetic qualities, as well as the pure beauty of the sound when played, have lead to deeper levels of emotional engagement, enhancing therapeutic well-being.

Over the years, Faith’s work with these unique instruments have brought  her insight  into how the pure, gentle, subtle tones of the sounding  bowls seem to touch the deepest places in the heart and soul. These beautiful sounds seem to form a link between the inner life of the individual and the source of all being. On first seeing the instrument, clients are struck with wonder and anticipation. This receptiveness is instrumental in facilitating the opportunity for healing on many levels, both emotionally and physically.

Plese visit my THERAPY Page for more details  on this cutting edge technique.



                   Experience the wonders of the Peace Gong & more                                            for  Mind, Body & Spirit





Sound & Gong Bath Therapy Evenings

                                         Autumn Schedule

     Experience the wonders of a sound voyage into your inner senses for

                                 Inner Peace, Relaxation and Well Being

“A journey for self-healing and personal enlightenment”

as you ‘immerse yourself’ in the ambience of sacred sounds.

A full body tone ceremony of regeneration,

renewal and rejuvenation to help restore and

re-establish cellular holistic resonance.



Sound & Gong Bath Therapy 

 Dove Workshop

Roman Road , Banwen, Nr Neath SA10 9LW Dulais Valley

Held every 3rd Wednesday of each month restarting on

Wednesday 18th Sept - then 16th Oct - 20th Nov- 18th Dec 2024

 7 pm – 8pm Cost £12 cash per person on the evening, please bring a yoga mat,blanket and cushion for comfort

            ADVANCE BOOKING ESSENTIAL to secure your place

     Contact Faith on 01792 290458 / 07745311210 Eml:                

Sound & Gong Bath Therapy

St Hilary's Church Minor Hall


Gower Road, Killay Swansea SA2 7DZ

Held every 2nd Thursday of each month starting  on

Thursday 10th OCT -14th- NOV 12th DEC    2024

  7 pm – 8pm Cost £12 cash per person on the evening-please bring a yoga mat ,  blanket and cushion for comfort  

              ADVANCE BOOKING ESSENTIAL to secure your place

Contact Faith on 01792 290458 / 07745311210 Eml:


 Annual Earth Day-Sing for the Trees and The Magical Sound Healing of Trees Workshop/Event 

Image for Ninth Annual Earth Day-Sing for the Trees and The Magical Sound Healing of Trees Workshop



 This Workshop has been posponed until further notice 


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A Happy  2024 New Year to You


I wish you a Happy New Year in 2024 and hope as this year unfolds we can begin to feel more positive about the year ahead. I feel the information below is as relevant today as when shared with you at the start of last year's greetings to all who visit my website .As this year unfolds with all of the continued challenges we are all being presented with the information below is as relevent today as ever. Back in the Winter Solstice of  21st Dec 2020 which signified and marked for many, the  beginning of the Age of Aquarius with the Great Conjunction occurring of two huge gas planets. Saturn and Jupiter aligning in the heavens which were bright and visible in the sky. 

For your interest, I've listed some of the characteristic energies of these amazing planets :
Saturn ,Old one, keeper of the boundaries,
Marking the cycles of our lives, unfolding,
Like a wise parent, like a stern teacher,
Help us to walk the path of wisdom.
Jupiter, Bountiful lord and bringer of justice,
Sage leader of the ancient gods,
Teach us to give from our hearts' fullness,
Turn our minds towards the higher learning
"Reference from Astrological Aroma  by Patricia Davis "
Aquarius although an air sign its name means 'Water Bearer ' can be likened to airy clouds carrying rain.
Last year tested many of us to go within and ponder on the essence of life on this beautiful planet, our purpose, place in the bigger picture of being here and now. 
As if a new awakening of humanity , a new awareness of being and reconnecting with our true selves . A time to step forward now and embrace this new era of Aquarius  and go with the flow of events and circumstances. Resilience resourceful, innovate, creativity ,new ideas, new technologies, anything unusual or unorthodox and often ahead of their times ,all associated with the essence of Aquarius. 
 As lock down government protocol is no longer in place and people have moved on from those challenging situations . I myself am going with the flow of events and have now  began to hold regular monthly Group Sound & Gong Bath Theray sessions at  various locations listed above  and also by appointment at the Sound Medicine Lodge . My 1-2-1  therapy sessions 
are now available with a measure of protocal in place.  Although some clients old and now new ,have chosen to have 1-2-1 healing sessions via phone which have been successful in their delivery. if this is of interest to you , please contact me via email or phone for more information and/or to book an appointment. Stay safe well and keep on being positive about our future ahead.

A new era of  my working practice beckons me to new ventures of providing my various specialized sound healing therapies/teachings to a wider clientele . Updates to follow as time unfolds.

 Harmonious  wishes in resonance,



                     Sound Healing 1-2-1 sessions

Scroll down for Client Reviews


Experience the wonders of a sound voyage into your inner senses for
 Inner Peace, Relaxation and Well being

"A journey for self-healing and personal enlightenment "

                     Client's comments on their experience of receiving this form of sound healing 

   *  I cannot believe how much better and optomistic I feeI following sound healing sessions with Faith .M.M W.Glam  


*  I found the sound healing session I had by telephone with Faith was very powerful and I felt as though I was in the same room as Faith. I am already feeling the powerful healing benefits from this session .   D.H Swansea

 * I found it very powerful , soothing and calming.  S.Carms

   * The sound healing was very relaxing and chilled me out which took the focus away from my health issues . W.H Swansea 

To Book a session Please ring Faith on TEL: 01792 290458 or Mb 07745311210  or for more informtion 


                        Sound healing with Sounding Bowls Workshop

       at last years 2023 annual Conference with The College of Sound Healing 

  In  November 2019 I was able to attend the annual conference with the College of Sound Healing held at Great Malvern and was invited to hold a workshop as part of the weekend long programme of events.

My workshop allowed me to introduce my new developed  Sounding Bowls Stress- Release Technique.  Having spent  many years and particular the last two years of working through many case studies with the various sounding bowls with clients happy to have the choice to play and discover their healing qualities.This therapy is team work which involves the client , their choice of sounding bowl and myself working together through this healing programme With such positive healing benefits reported and noted. I am now able to offer this form of stress therapy as part of the services available as 1-2-1 healing sessions at my practice studio.Informational leaflets available on request.

Here are a few of the conference workshop photos of myself taken over the weekend.


One of my bridging sounding bowsl has the configuration of a tree clearly visible within the heart of this amazingly tonal sounding bowl. Resulting in my being inspired to create and formulate a programme of therapy .This therapeutic sound healing technique is now in continued development with ongoing research for evaluating sounding bowls effects to help alleviate many health conditions , both physically and emotionally. In fact the NHS to quote Tobias Kaye ,founder and maker of sounding bowls  writes,

 “ Since 1991 the British National Health Service has been the major user.”

Following on from the successful sessions and growth in popularity as a practice for health and well being of the Therapeutic Group Sound/Gong Healing Meditation sessions offered to the general public held at The Sound Medicine Lodge.  I am now happy to announce the new schedule of dates and times for this coming year.  An auspicious time to begin my continued work and passion for introducing people to the wonderful healing abilities of sound resonance for well being. Whether this be through the voice ,which I specialize in and through the amazing sounding bowls, gongs, singing bowls , drums and other musical instruments for healing. I look forward to both offering and sharing sacred sound resonance with you and hope you are inspired to come along to these group sound healing meditation sessions and experience for yourself the benefits  of sound for healing , of Mind ,Body and Spirit at The Sound Medicine Lodge.


 * Light Melodics *

a cutting edge sound healing technique developed and registered in 2005.

Please visit - Aromatherapy/Alchemy page for more information 

Read the many varied testimonials given to this three dimensional healing technique. 

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 Therapeutic CD entitled "Sound Odyssey Cosmic Alignment" Echoes of Sacred Sound Chambers of Peace


"Joy is born in one who has delight,
the body of one who has joy is
calmed, one whose body is calmed
feels ease, and the mind of one who
is at ease is contemplative."

Buddha Reflections by
William Wray


To place an order: click here



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A new venture in offering my various professional sound therapy therapies/teaching to a wider clientele. Improve your taste with us and own your perfect replica Rolex watch.